St. Patrick's Day

Fecha de publicación: Mar 18, 2018 9:59:47 PM

The best way of learning a language is getting close its culture, that´s why today we have celebrated an Irish party....St Patrick´s!

These days we have learnt aspects of the Irish culture and undoubtedly the Leprechaun´s tale has been read.

Once we have known more about this elf, a lot of activities have been carried out.

This afternoon, our little ones of Infant Education have been leprechauns for one day and they were stunning! They were so happy while the parade in the playground.

On the other hand, Primary students throughout this week wrote wishes in golden coins and then they kept them in a pot under the rainbow. Today after the parade, students have stuck the wishes under the rainbow.

After this, we don´t hesitate that the next time the rainbow appears our wishes become true!

Definitely, learning is fun!

Now, we are waiting fot the next week to celebrate the English Cultural Week!